Cottage Country Cremation Inc

Monuments & Inscriptions

Monuments are markers set on the grave of the deceased to both mark their final resting place and remember their life and deeds.

In many cases, choosing the perfect monument is the last act of kindness a relative can do for their departed loved one. You may call it a gravestone, headstone, tombstone, cremation memorial, or grave marker. There are many different shapes, sizes, materials and designs. You can be assured we will guide you with professionalism and compassion throughout the process of selecting and designing your monument.

Upright, Pillow and Flat monuments are the most common types although there are many different types of designs available, in a variety of sizes and styles to suit your taste and budget.

We can also etch your loved one’s favorite picture (must be high quality) onto the stone of your choice with our custom etching system. We also offer stone cleaning services as well as inscriptions on existing monuments.

If you are contemplating the purchase of a monument, please feel free to contact us or visit to discuss your wishes.

Should you prefer a personal visit to your home there is no extra cost and no obligation.

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