Cottage Country Cremation Inc

 Dealing with Grief

If you Google the word "grief," the search engine will deliver well over 100 million results! That's an unbelievable amount of information about dealing with grief at a time when you may already feel overwhelmed by the smallest of tasks. We are here to help.

You Aren't Alone

While the experience of grief can be very isolating, we would like to help you take steps to counter the feelings of loneliness and disconnection. While the articles in our grief library can make a difference in your day-to-day life, please don't hesitate to call us should you need additional support. We will do our best to ease your bereavement and, if requested, provide a referral to a local grief counsellor or therapist.
The following three tips can be used to help you along this journey.


Losing someone is painful. Acknowledge this and you can begin to better understand your emotions and how you are feeling. Rather than bottling it up, explore different outlets like physical activity or art. These can be useful ways to work through these feelings and positively express your emotions.


Communication is incredibly important. Remember that others are grieving as well, so take the time to talk with them about how they are doing. By doing so, you can help each other cope with the loss and express the things you both may be afraid to say.


Everyone grieves differently, but it helps to know that people are there for you. Make sure you work with the people that want to help you. While some people may be averse to it, meeting with a counsellor can be very beneficial. A counsellor can help you work through your emotions and offer advice for dealing with grief.
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